The only thing that is certain is that nothing is certain.
I’ve been having to find grounding in uncertainty lately, and as a control freak, it is a REAL meditation.
Working on flowing with uncertainity instead of being sucked into the anxiety of not knowing has been something I’ve had to work and practice at most of my adult life. I adapt well to changes when I know what changes are coming, but resist change when I don’t.
This last year so much has been brought to the surface. It feels like my life has been slowly flashing before my eyes, bringing up all of my expereinces, and complexes. An opportunity to see what still needs to be looked at and what growth I’ve made. Kind of like ingreidents in a bowl, stirred together. I can feel my thought process baking it, putting it all together to produce something savory.
All I have to do is trust myself, and reamin present.